My Journey

HeY There!
I’m Jess
I did everything right. I was valedictorian, the first in my family to go to college, graduated with a master’s degree debt free, was well traveled, had the house and partner, and even had a successful side business. I checked every box, but it did not feel how I thought it would.
I was unhappy in my relationship, unfulfilled at my job, and knew I was capable of more but did not know where to start. So, I just kept working harder hoping the next accomplishment would make me feel better, but it never did.
Until I hit a breaking point at 26 years old. I felt so lost and frustrated that I burned it all down. I left my partner of eight years, quit my job, moved out of state, and became a yoga teacher. I started from scratch because the life I had built was not for me- it was the life I was taught I should want.
And in just a few years, I built a life and business that allows me to help other high achievers create a life that not only looks good on paper but feels good too!
I have been in the personal growth industry for 14 years…
I have always been obsessed with human psychology, behavior, and helping people heal.
This desire to serve individuals and communities started for me as a child growing up in an urban area with first generation parents who struggled. My early experiences drove me to study social work, and I ended up specializing in trauma. I practiced as a licensed therapist for years in underserved Latin communities in Philadelphia. I loved the work I was doing and even published research and taught other clinicians how to support their clients.
Simultaneously, I was running a business and investing in my own personal development. I hired my first life coach in 2010 and always knew I wanted to find a way to bridge my passion for therapy and coaching.
In 2018, I made the leap by launching my coaching practice full time and honing my craft of therapeutic coaching. In 2022, The Art & Skill of Coaching was ready to be shared with the world, which is my signature coach training program where I blend over a decade of experience as a therapist and coach to teach new and experienced coaches HOW to be a GREAT coach using the best scientifically based, trauma informed, and holistically focused modalities from both psychology and coaching.